Tuition Policy

Aquinas Catholic Schools asks families to confirm their understanding of the Tuition Policy for the upcoming school year through a digital acknowledgment. Read the Policy Here I have read the Tuition Policy, that outlines the expectations of tuition payment(s) for the...
Preschool Open House

Preschool Open House

Bring the kids Meet Mrs. Rachel Play in the Preschool Room Bring birth certificate, Baptism certificate, and immunization records Register for the class that works for you Preschool Open House You are invited to join staff, teachers and guests for an inside look at...


Apply for Scholarships Now!Don’t miss out on the opportunity to secure funding for your children’s education. Submit your scholarship application before March 31 to be considered for the next school year. Learn...
Help Fund Vocations

Help Fund Vocations

Teaching is a calling. Teaching at a Catholic school is a vocation.Help us support almost 50 teaching vocations at Aquinas Catholic Schools. Support Teachers Read the entire Annual Report...