Senior Banner for Sale

Class of 2025 members and parents, It’s time to gather information for the Sr. Banners! These banners are 24″ x 36″ vinyl banners that will hang in the in the activity hallway and then you will take it home graduation day. The following information...


Canvas is the Aquinas Catholic digital classroom for all middle and high school students. Students have access to their Canvas Classrooms. Parents, you already have final grades access in your Powerschool Parent Portal. However, if you want to be an observer of a...

Booster Club Worklist

Dear Aquinas Middle & High School Parents, Welcome to the Aquinas Booster Club. You have been assigned to help make Aquinas Catholic Activities great. Efforts were made to schedule you in slots that would conflict as little as possible with your children’s...

Monarch Fall Spirit Apparel

Get ready to show your Monarchs spirit this fall with a variety of spiritwear and accessories available in different sizes. Discover the perfect gear, including cell phone cases, to support your team in style. SHOPS CLOSE IN Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s)...
Physical Forms

Physical Forms

NSAA Activity ParticipationEach student participating in NSAA activities (7th – 12th grade) is required to have a complete physical examination to be given after May 1 of each year. This certifies that the students is qualified for the entire school year, May 1...

Flag Football Sign-Up

Wahoo Flag Football Registration Due June 25 Please write checks to Pride Sports Please return to the school or turn in the form and payment to your applicable coach contact. The coaches for each grade will help to reach out to their teams to communicate about...