by Laura Adair | Oct 28, 2020 | Aquinas News, Elementary News, Featured Alumni, Featured News
Watch the Mass in remembrance of alumni, students, faculty, and staff...
by Laura Adair | Apr 23, 2020 | Aquinas News, Featured News
Mrs. Pokorny has led fellow teachers, Mrs. Heerman and Ms. Brown, into showing their true selves to the world. Thank you, teachers for you sense of humor and helping keep our spirits up. ...
by Laura Adair | Nov 14, 2019 | Aquinas News, Featured News
This year’s Aquinas Catholic’s Veterans Day Program was close to the heart of Alumni & Advancement Director, Deb Svec. Her great-uncle, Gerald Clayton of Central City, Nebraska, was killed in action during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Gerry was a Storekeeper,...
by Laura Adair | Sep 5, 2019 | Aquinas News, Featured News
To Get on PowerSchool Learning From Home: Open up your web browser ex: Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Go to the Aquinas Website: Click on the “Parents” tab at the top of the screen. Under the Links: PowerSchool Learning for Students. On the next...
by Laura Adair | Nov 11, 2016 | Aquinas News
“You didn’t get a speaker, you got a dad” Ken Real announced as he addressed the Aquinas Catholic Middle & High School on Tuesday, October 18th. The Aquinas Stop and Think Group and The Butler County Believes in Youth Coalition (BBYC) sponsored Ken Real to present...
by Laura Adair | Oct 5, 2016 | Aquinas News
By Lizzie DeWispelare Aquinas High School students recently packed the school’s chapel to listen to Mrs. Vicki Thorn give a talk on the “Biology of the Theology of the Body”. Thorn is the founder of Project Rachel and the National Office for Post Abortion...