Remind App

Remind App

Remind is a communication platform that helps educators and moderators reach students and parents via text messages. These communications are general reminders and sudden alerts (early morning practice is cancelled due to weather) that are specific to only that...

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Help Fund Vocations

Help Fund Vocations

Know that in funding our school you fund the future of the Church! Future priests, future religious, and future faith-filled marriages come from our schools! Together, with our Lord Jesus, we can ensure our children receive an excellent education and a solid Catholic...

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Lady Monarch Downtown Run

Lady Monarch Downtown Run

Lady Monarch Cross Country Team are STATE BOUND. Yesterday the girls ran around downtown David City to thank a few local businesses for their support.

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HS Art Trip

On October 19th, junior and senior Art students went on an art field trip to Lincoln. They visited the Noyes Gallery, UNL Newman Center, UNL Memorial Stadium, and UNL Sheldon Art Museum. The students found inspiration to create more unique works of art. Local artist...

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