Aquinas Catholic Journalism & Broadcasting Team finished in fifth place at the 2024 NSAA State Championships on April 2rd in Class C.
Miriam Frasher and Flora Dalton placed fifth in Broadcast News. Keltie Hein and Avery Oltmer placed fourth in Public Service Announcement. Luke Reiter and Lydon DeWispelare placed fourth in Broadcast Feature Story. Evan Hoelscher placed fourth in Feature Photography (featured below). Jakob Kavan and Cecilia Sisco placed in Public Service Announcement. Tate Hain placed 3rd in Broadcast Feature Story. Karmen Karpisek and Reese Woolsey placed third in Broadcast Sports Story. Keltie Hein and Izzie Kadavy were runner ups in Broadcast Sports Story. Wesley Miller was runner up in Broadcast News Story.
Two Champions, Bella Fontenot and Luke Reiter are featured below.

Bella Fontenot
State Champion
Broadcast Sports Story

Luke Reiter
State Champion
Broadcast News Story