Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to answer most questions about this scholarship. However, we are here to support you with valuable resources and connect you with the right people who can provide the assistance you need. -Aquinas Catholic Schools
Opportunity Scholarships of Nebraska (OSN) is a state-approved scholarship granting organization and a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps implement the Opportunity Scholarships Act (LB753). OSN does this by empowering parents to choose the best educational setting for their children through awarding nonpublic school tuition scholarships and providing access to school options.
With the endorsement of the three Catholic Dioceses and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod schools, as well as many other nonpublic schools across Nebraska, OSN serves students and families statewide.
Jeremy Ekeler
Executive Director [email protected]
Lauren Gage
Director of Marketing and Outreach
[email protected]
General Questions
[email protected]