“You didn’t get a speaker, you got a dad”

Ken Real announced as he addressed the Aquinas Catholic Middle & High School on Tuesday, October 18th. The Aquinas Stop and Think Group and The Butler County Believes in Youth Coalition (BBYC) sponsored Ken Real to present “The Real Deal on Alcohol Poisoning. Know the Signs, Save a Life”.

Aquinas Catholic gym has two scripture verses on the walls, one is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Mr. Real said,

“I love Philippians 4:13. You don’t get through something like this without faith”

On September 5, 2014, Ken Real received the call that his son, Clay, was dead. Just ten days ago, he dropped his only son off to college, to pursue a degree before coming back to become the fifth generation farmer. An investigation revealed that Clay died of alcohol poisoning. His blood alcohol levels were at a .38. Arrests were made and the 4 people who bought the alcohol that night were charged. Two years later, Mr. Real and his family are finally finished with the legal proceedings. These were “good kids who made some dumb decisions,” Mr. Real said. He met each one, shook their hand, and forgave them.

It would have taken only one person to recognize the signs of alcohol poisoning and call 911 to save his son’s life. He shared the anagram provided by Aware Awake Alive: MUST HELP.
M: mental confusion
U: unresponsive
S: snoring/gasping
T: throw up

H: hypothermia,
E: erratic breathing
L: loss of consciousness
P: paleness of skin.

Know the signs of alcohol poisoning.

“Do the right thing. Make the call”

Fr. Timmerman, Chief Administrative Officer at Aquinas & St. Mary’s Catholic Schools, began this presentation with a prayer and Ken Real ended with a prayer.

This Witness Poster is displayed around Aquinas as a reminder to students of Mr. Real’s powerful message.

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