By Lizzie DeWispelare

Aquinas High School students recently packed the school’s chapel to listen to Mrs. Vicki Thorn give a talk on the “Biology of the Theology of the Body”. Thorn is the founder of Project Rachel and the National Office for Post Abortion Reconciliation and Healing.

Thorn was invited to the school by Aquinas Chief Administrative Officer Fr. Sean Timmerman, who first heard Thorn speak when he was a seminarian. “[Thorn’s talk] was interesting then, and even if a person hasn’t been affected by abortion, they need to know the effects,” Timmerman said. Thorn emphasized the science behind one’s sexual human nature and abortion’s consequences.

The information presented was new for many students and faculty. The Theology I curriculum at Aquinas includes objectives in theology of the body. Timmerman said, “I think it’s good to have somebody come in from the outside to say the same message being taught. If it’s said in a different way, it might touch people differently.”

Thorn used different diagrams and biological terms, along with a bit of humor, to explain why the Church’s teachings about abortion, contraception and pre-marital sex are correct. Aquinas junior Madelaine Comte said Thorn’s way of teaching made the whole topic easier to listen to and understand.
Comte and Aquinas senior Samuel Sisco agreed they liked Thorn’s scientific explanation to back the Church’s teachings on these issues. “The biological aspect that she went through made the subject more logical,” Sisco said. Comte added, “[Thorn] really opened my eyes to show me that science is on the Church’s side.”

The speech ended with a brief statement about why God created us the way He did. Thorn said, “[Men and women] are designed by God to be different. We are complementary.” Timmerman said he hopes Thorn will continue to present her talk, so students will constantly be reminded of this important message.

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